En del är redan påbörjade med färger andra inte.Jag har då målat med distress ink färg.Det är mer än det ser ut på bilden då de ligger i en stor hög huller om buller!
Vad behöver du göra? Jo lämna en komenter till detta inlägget och länka på din blogg.
Du har till s den 10 maj på dig att vara med.
This week my children is not here, it´s a little bit emty.
I have started to clean up my craftplace and I have so many stamped images for cardmaking.And I want to start over with that so I´m giving them away.Some are a little bit painted ( with distress ink ) and some are not.
If you want them, all you have to do is leave a comment and link on your blog.
Ending, 10 may.
It´s mostly hänglar and som magnolia.Most of them you have to cut out thats why I´m giving them away since I learned that I want some more space around them.And is nice to start on zero since there is so many images stamped now...giggle...You don´t see most of them on the picture but there is more under the images that you see!

Now I will start on a card.
Nästa gång lottar jag ut någa hänglar jag har dubbelt av!
Nu ska jag börja på ett litet kort hade jag tänkt.

66 kommentarer:
Jag vill jättegärna vara med! Jag länkar på bloggen senare idag.
Oj, det var en rejäl hög!
Jag får oxå länka senare (gäller att komma ihåg med!!) för nu kallar jobbet igen.
Ha det skönt!
Oh wow what a honey you are I have Magnolia stamps but not the others as we can't get them here yet in the UK. I have always hoped that someone would offer to send me some but no-one has so I would love a chance to have these beauties. I am already a follower but I will put a link to you in my sidebar. My blog is http://coldwaters2/blogspot.com
Lorraine x
WoW, I love Magnolias and I couldn't get any hänglar stamps or stamped images, so I'll be very pleased with this bunch ;)
Thanks for the offer, moi
I'm in it as well... don't resist HAnglars.. any time!! :)
How generous of you I love hanglar images but they are hard to come by in the uk thanks for the chance of winning some....
Emma xxx
Wow, lovely candy the images are so cute, would love to win them! thanks for the chance, Em xx
OOOh! I very-very want this stamped images!!! I made link on my blog: http://alyona4.blogspot.com/2009/04/blog-post_22.html
Jag är gärna med på ett lott, länkar naturligtvis!
Kram susanne
what a fabulous images , thanks for giving us the chance of winning a fabulous images
Yes please! jag vill ha. ^^
Har länkat här:
Vill även jag vara med. Har länkat på min tävlingsblogg här: http://geckotavlar.blogg.se/2009/april/stamped-images.html
Ja ja ja , jag vill ha :)))
Du har naturligtvis en länk hos mig;
Kram från Liz i Malmberget.
This candy looks amazing, I'd love to win it.
Wow I love this stamps but i don´t have anyone. Thanks for the chance to win. I put a link to my Blog.
How fun...it would be great to win all those images. I don't have my own blog yet, but I have signed up as a follower of your and you were already on my google reader list. Thanks for the chance to win.
Jag är gärna med och tävlar, jag har länkat i min tävlingsblogg
Åh, en tävling helt i min smak. Jag är gärna med. Har länkat http://griffelfot.blogg.se/2009/april/pysselmammans-uppstamplade-motiv.html
I would love to win these, they are much sought after in the UK. Hugs, Lainy xxx
Jag vill jättegärna vara med och tävla om dessa :-) Jag länkar i min blogg. Kram!
Hi Malin, what lovely images & so kind of you to give them away, I've put a link on my blog.
what a wonderful prize thank you for giving me a chance to win :)
Jag vill vara med!
Länkar från min blogg!
Hi Malin great idea for blog candy fingers crossed hugs kirsten...x
Hejsan! Jag är gärna med och tävlar. Jag har länkat här : http://albinsmammatavlar.blogg.se/2009/april/uppstamplade-motiv.html
Hejsan. Jag vill super gärna vara med i din tävling. Älskar att scrappa!!!!
Länkat: http://matchukgirl.blogg.se/2009/april/uppstamplade-motiv.html
[Håller tummarna nu för mig]
jag är gärna med!!!!
länkar från min blogg.
Kram Titti
wow how fantastic I love hanglar images but they are so hard find in the uk
thanks for the chance of win
i have added a link on my blog
Wow, amazing candy!
I love the Magnolia and Hanglar stamps, but my bank-account won't let me buy them.. I only have one Magnolia :P
Thank you so much for the chance!!
X, Ava
Vilka underbara stämplar! Jag är nybörjare i denna scrappboking-värld och har inte en endaste stämpel... så det här skulle vara jätteroligt att vinna!!
Ha en bra dag!
länkar dig från min blogg!! =)
jag är verkligen med gillar att scrappa:)
Länkar från min tävlings blogg
Ha de fint
Hej, jag är gärna med och tävlar om de söta bilderna! Jag har länge velat börjat scrappa, det vore kul att vinna detta som en start...
Jag länkar på min blogg så klart!
fab candy, I would love to use some Hanglar stanglar images, just cannot get the stamps in the UK !
have linked to my blog !
Kate x
Thanks alot for allowing me to add my comment and get a change to win so many wonderfull images. Your cand will be on my side bar on my blog at:
hope you will visit my blog ...take care!
Wow what a lovely candy!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs, Tanja
The latent watercolourer in me has just gone NUTS seeing all of these images. Would love to obtain just even a couple!!! You do such beautiful work. Thanks for your inspiration.
PS....alas I have no blog to link you to, but I have sent an e mail out to my crafting buddies (12 of them) containing ur address. Thanks.
Malin, detta är väldigt generöst! Jag linkar i min blog! Kram från Nilla
You have amazing cards and I love love love the give away. Thanks for the chance. Will certainly be checking out your blog all the time.
Wow, lovely candy the images are so cute, would love to win them! thanks for the chance to win. I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy". http://fifishobby.blogspot.com/
Hugs *Fifi*
Hi :)
Lovely candy!Fantastic blog :)
I would absolutely LOVE to have these images! Hanglar are sooooo cute and there is no possible way to get them here. thanks for the opportunity!
Hi Malin, would be lovely to b the lucky one. Thanks for the chance
a absolut fantastic Give Away. I love the Hänglar Stamps.
Thankx for the chance to win this great candy and i linked on my Blog sidebar.
Ela :o))
Love the stamps and i have only one, so i like to put me in :) I like to have those stamped images.
Oh yes please - I don't have any hanglar or magnolia stamps, so I'd love to win these! Thanks for the chance!
I've linked you on My Blog
I love candy with stamped images, so I think this is great! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Wow Malin so generous of you to give away your images, cant get them in the UK so would love to win these goodies off to link you to my side bar. my bloghugs Christine
WOW!! Would I ever like to win these..You can not get them in USA eather..I thought about seeing if any one would swap images to try an get some..Ill be keeping my fingers crossed..
Hugs Linda
Hi Malin
How sweet of you giving those images. We don't have these stamps here. I wish I could win these images. I don't have a blog yet. Thanks for giving us a chance to win those great images!
We can't get Hanglar stamps in UK, so it would be wonderful to win some.Have linked you.
Hi Malin,
A very good idea from you to distribute your superfluous stamped images. I want them!! LOL
I left a link on my 'Candy bar' on my blog.
Carla xx
How nice of you to give away these stamped images. I don't have a blog, but I hope that isn't a problem.
wow. So many stamped images to win! I've added a link on my blog. Count me in. Thanks for the chance to win.
oo jag vill vara med! :D här är länken till mitt inlägg : http://tirraspyssel.blogspot.com/2009/05/bloggcandy-uppstamplat.html
Ohhh....I could use those images. I don't have many stamps since I just started stamping not too long ago. Thanks for the chance to win such nice goodies.
Yummy yummy I could play all day and night with these beauties.Thankyou for giving away such a lovely gift.Good Luck everyone.
Oh, I'd so like to get these :) I mostly crop my images tight so no problems at all. Thanks for the chance :) I blogged your candy here Greetings from Slovenia, Kitty
Great blog candy!
Detta hade hållit mej sysselsatt länge! =)
Här hittar du min länkning: http://monica66.blogg.se/2009/may/detta-hade-hallit-mej-sysselsatt-bra-lange.html
Nu gäller det att hålla tummarna...Tack för att du ger mig möjligheten!
Jag vill gärna var med och tävla :) Skulle vara kul att vinna dessa bilder, för då skulle jag ha nåt kul att pyssla med när syskonbarnen kommer på besök. Skulle säkert också dela med mig lite av bilderna till min syster som tycker mycket om att pyssla och scrappa.
Länken lägger jag i högra sidospalten på min blogg och jag låter den ligga uppe t.o.m. sista tävlingsdan.
Häls. F
självklart tar även jag en lott och länkar i bloggen.... hade ju vart toppenkul att vinna... =)
Åh jag vill gärna leka med lite nya bilder! Jag har skrivit om din candy på min candypost:
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